313. "Designated Driver"

Most feel the antics of famous people are the acts of spoiled children. But Filip and Fredrik explain why celebrities like Kiefer Sutherland and Britney Spears should be cherished.The art of film editing can take years to master. To be the best you need to study the best. Or do you? Fredrik Wikingsson learned the craft where most would dismiss!Filip’s sister and her friends enjoy Porn Thursday’s.In this porn saturated world Filip and Fredrik remember a simpler time when you could “use” the same picture for three years. Fredrik is moved by Kiefer Sutherland’s vomiting on “Designated Survivor.”Plus, a big announcement!

Om Podcasten

En gång i veckan ägnar de en timme åt varandra, i ett samtal som ingen jävel får störa. Kan de inte bara få göra det? Låt dem hålla på! Det är NYTTIGT för dem.