Ep 27 Ted Bezemer - Physical Therapist, MS, OCS, SCS & AXIO Centripetal Training

This week we’ve got the one and only, Ted Bezemer! Physical therapist, strength and conditioning coach, and founder of Axis he is a man of much knowledge. In this episode he shares insights from his nearly two-decade career, discussing his journey into physical therapy and his approach to training athletes. Wanna know about the importance of focusing on the nervous system in training or the significance of neuromuscular control in movement and performance? This is the episode for you. Tune in and take notes! Check out Axio Training here: https://axiotraining.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHIEg5g8s5IxdQxJDal2W82tY0qbWPfce6krrwL3_TSHdF6IJTOrTBcaArrIEALw_wcB

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Welcome to The Gnar Stool Podcast. Our mission is to challenge the health industry by calling out the b.s. and focusing on what really works. We’re going deep to unearth real stories about real people and how they’ve overcome adversity in life, sports, fitness, and nutrition. Join John Perry, Shannon O' Grady and their guests for a show that's always real, kind of entertaining, and filled with poop stories. Nothing is off limits or out of bounds and we are always on track for a good time. Come learn a thing or two.