Bigfoot TIW 50: Minnesota Ice Man, do we have a body? Middle schooler sees Bigfoot but doesn't tell dad

We give away some prizes again this week to our listeners.  Then Kev takes us through the tales, photos and sketches of a frozen body of a Bigfoot-like cryptid that was seen by many during the late sixties and early seventies. And in part two of the show, Bill reviews an account from a young man that went out hunting alone when he got home from school.  Great account! And once again we will wrap it up with some very interesting listener mail sent in by people such as yourself It's going to be a great show! So do join us! Thank you for listening! Produced by:  "Bigfoot Terror in the Woods L.L.C."

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You’ve heard him on Coast to Coast AM and the Sasquatch Chronicles. Now W.J. Sheehan, author of Bigfoot: Terror In The Woods, Sightings & Encounters Vol 1-6, brings you a podcast meant to chill the spine and stir your curiosity.