What is Success?

What is success? If you're not achieving success as has been defined for you, then there's that voice saying "yeah maybe I am a failure." It's a psychological pressure that torments people, even if another part of them knows "I'm doing the right thing. This is important."   View the full interview with Marcus Pibworth of The Ministry of Change here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrMOIHJJJMM   #CharlesEisenstein #MentalHealth #Interbeing #Philosophy #Authors #PhilosophyQuotes #Inspiration

Om Podcasten

Short (and sometimes long) excerpts from Charles' speeches, courses, books, interviews, and more. Discussing the new and ancient story of interbeing through philosophy, science, money, gift, economics, ecology, earth healing, self & psyche, politics, and more. Search New and Ancient Story for my interview podcast.