Outside of Interior Design | Landscape Architecture with Jeremy Fillmore

As being specialists in interior design we often get questions on what happens outside the home. We have brought Jeremy Fillmore, a landscape architect, to talk through everything outside your home. He talks about what role landscaping should play in your home. How your lifestyle should determine what’s around your home. We also talk about the benefits of hiring a landscape architect and what you can expect during the process.

Picking Style for Landscape Architecture 6:53
How to Grow a Garden 14:39
Why Hire a Landscape Architect 17:34
Costs 26:54
Do’s and Don’ts of Landscaping 32:29

“Don’t be afraid of landscaping...Take chances. It’s ok to be risky… It can change.” 44:09


Om Podcasten

Dear Alice is an Interior Design podcast brought to you by Jessica Bennett and Suzanne Hall, the spunky geniuses behind Alice Lane Interior Design. These two ladies break down the highest end of the design and interior fashion world through their beautiful lifestyle approach with a heaping dose of wit and taste.