052 - Shawna Jackson, AuD & Jackie Phillips, AuD - The Value of 3D Ear Scanners

Guests: Shawna Jackson, Clinical Audiologist at the Callier Center (Dallas); Jackie Phillips, Audiologist & Product Manager for the Otoscan at Natus Medical Topic: The Value of 3D Ear Scanners Jackie and Shawna join Dave this week to highlight an intriguing piece of technology that has recently been introduced to the audiology market: 3D ear scanners. Throughout this conversation, Shawna walks through her experience of using this type of technology at the Callier Center on a daily basis, and speaks to all the various benefits derived from the 3D scanner. In addition, Jackie, as the product manager for one of these devices, helps to further illustrate some unique ways that 3D scanners can be utilized by the professional.  Ultimately, 3D ear scanners provide a highly effective way for professionals to differentiate their service offering, generate genuine excitement, facilitate patient education, and reinforce their professional value in the eyes of the patient.  Episode Transcript: https://futurear.co/2020/12/03/052-shawna-jackson-aud-jackie-phillips-aud-the-value-of-3d-ear-scanners/ 

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Discussing the business of hearing healthcare and how hearing professionals can succeed in a rapidly evolving landscape. Guests of the show include experts with backgrounds in Audiology, Public Health, Consumer Audio, and Technology. The goal of Future Ear Radio is to connect the trends converging around our ears. (FuturEar)