441. Matt Homewood: Document the food waste and follow the money (IN ENGLISH)

Matt Homewood is a british biologist and food waste activist. He started exploring the concept of dumpster diving and was shocked to find that supermarkets were throwing away tons of edible food products every day. This encouraged him to start his Instagram account An Urban Harvester, where he posts photos of dumpster food waste from all over the world. Today, Matt is Head of Sustainability and responsible for the Danish market at the Norwegian food waste platform Throw no more. He is increasingly becoming interested in economics and the power structure of our food systems. We met him at Nordic Food Waste Summit 2023 in Stockholm. // Podcast host: Christian von Essen // Check out our other English episodes here!

Om Podcasten

Heja Framtiden är en podcast och plattform för framtidsfrågor. Här får du möta futuristerna som förutspår framtiden, entreprenörerna som bygger framtiden och eldsjälarna som representerar framtiden. Med många olika perspektiv läggs ett spännande pussel som aldrig blir färdigt, och oavsett vad vi tror om framtiden får vi aldrig sluta heja på den. Podden drivs av Christian von Essen i Stockholm. Läs mer på http://hejaframtiden.se Heja Framtiden is a Swedish podcast about the future. For all the English episodes, please check out http://hejaframtiden.se/category/english/