Qin Shi Huang-The First Emperor in China-秦始皇 A story of A Historical Figure in Chinese history

This episode is talking about one of the most important historical figures in Chinese history-Qinshihuang. He was the first emperor in Chinese history. This is a very good resource for AP Mandarin Cultural presentation. Script: 秦始皇 By Xuemei Li  (Copyright Reserved) 秦始皇,原名赢政,出生于赵国的首都邯郸,是中国历史上最著名的政治家和改革家之一。秦始皇是中国历史上第一个皇帝。秦始皇继承王位的时候正是中国的春秋战国时期,那时候各国之间的斗争非常激烈。秦始皇积极推行统一战略,用了大约不到十年时间兼并了六国,把中国带入君主专制的封建社会时代。秦始皇统一中国有利于人民生活的安定和社会的发展。完成统一大业后,秦始皇按照法家的思想治理国家。他废除了分封制,实行郡县制,建立了一套对后世影响深远的封建专制的政治体制。他还陆续统一了货币、度量衡和文字,促进了秦国国内经济的发展和文化的交流。但是,秦始皇使用非常严酷的法律和暴力的惩罚手段来约束和控制人民。这样的严刑苛政不仅给人民带来了沉重的灾难,而且严重破坏了当时秦国生产力的发展。为了防止匈奴的入侵,秦始皇还派人修建了如今举世闻名的长城。虽然修建长城耗费了大量的财力物力,以及加重了老百姓的负担,但在当时的历史条件下,确实起到了阻止敌人入侵的积极作用。除此之外,他还派大量的人,为自己建造了世界上最大、最壮观的皇家陵墓,这个陵墓就是现在最著名的秦始皇陵兵马俑。如果你去西安,你一定要去参观一下秦始皇陵兵马俑。 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/learnmandarinwithlilaoshi/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/learnmandarinwithlilaoshi/support

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Li Laoshi' Chinese Pod is to offer authentic Chinese listening materials to Chinese learners! I am a Mandarin teacher and I love teaching Mandarin! In this pod, I use Comprehensible Input strategies to create topic talkings, adapt stories, legends and fairy tails and make learning fun and accessible. Most of the materials are also used in my Mandarin classes. Hope you like them and hope my Chinese Pod be very helpful for your learning. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/learnmandarinwithlilaoshi/support