How to train your entrepreneur Muscle!

Episode 20! Can't believe we made it to 20. This episode is a continuation of last episode. We try to distill how you can build your entrepreneur muscles.  - We talk about the confidence it took for the Dunkin' Donuts founder to forge through - Question: Is Entrepreneurship a game that can be taught, and how do you learn it?  - To build the muscle I challenge you to go off the beaten path, cause you’ll start hearing noise. - We also talk about how to build your first  $1 million in revenue. - Lezlie comes clean about being terrified about some of the decisions she's had to make and not letting us know she was terrified. - We get into the stages of company growth from Y combinators course Blitzscaling:   

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The Mid-Day Squares story: how we're trying to build the next biggest Chocolate Company, family business, and our unfiltered thoughts on entrepreneurship. Nothing is off topic, no subject is off limits. Entrepreneurship the way it should be told with no fucks given.