
Ever elusive sleep! It’s like a unicorn we chase, endlessly when our children are young. Nobody wants to sleep except mom and dad! It becomes stressful and difficult making bedtime often unmanageable. What can we do? How can we help our families get more rest without using methods that may not feel good while also supporting ourselves and our kids through all the feelings that come along with sleep? Whether we co-sleep or don’t sleep, we give you our very best thinking and personal struggles and solicitors all related to sleep. Rate, review, subscribe and please support us on our Patreon. We appreciate you so much!! Here are the Hand in Hand articles: Helping Kids Sleep and Moving Kids to Their Own Beds.  

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Find out how to come to parenting through the lens of connection as a way to navigate and unravel sticky parenting situations. Michelle is a mother of two girls, as well as a former teacher and counselor turned Certified Parenting Instructor. After years of consequences, bribes, and star charts, she finally reshaped the relationship she shares with her daughters and credits peaceful parenting for changing her life. Michelle considers herself a recovering yeller, perfectionist, and control freak who has found a more calm and connected way to parent.