Special: CoronaVillain vs The Stay at Home Kid

One day the evil Coronavillain comes to a secret meeting of the Council of MicroCreeps and tells them that he is going to help them all by taking care of all the pesky people. He’s got a plan and he is special because no one has seen him before. Coronavillain goes out into the world to spread his evil. The Council of WHO calls a meeting to decide what to do. The Stay at Home Kid calls and says he has the answer to all their problems. Will his idea work?

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Sleep Tight Stories produces for you two calming bedtime stories every week. Stories that promote wonder, creativity and fire young listeners’ imagination while helping them drift off to sleep with ease. They are just the perfect length, are safe for kids of all ages, and feature originals and classics that never grow old. Our stories add a little happily-ever-after to your bedtime routine. Sleep tight! Submit your story ideas at sleeptightstories.org/contact