Episode 186: Health Is An Effect

Welcome back, brothers. Today I will be exploring some potentially controversial waters, but this is important stuff that I feel I need to talk to you about. You will likely be accustomed to me taking a counter-intuitive path on this podcast, and today is no different! These revolutionary ideas can take your life from one blighted by sickness and disease, and transform it into something blossoming and beautiful, and as usual, it all starts with our beliefs.  The foundation of what we are talking about is the universal force of creation, and once we understand what the causes and effects are, we start to see how everything we experience is an effect of what we think and tell ourselves. This is why worrying is what makes us sick. Not what we eat, or how we choose to spend our time. The story that keeps playing in our heads is what determines whether we are healthy or unwell! So my message to you is this brothers: when we stop worrying we can begin to be healthy. Worrying is what happens when we do not understand oneness, connection, and love. All those dangerous parts of our thinking: worry, hate, fear, anxiety, bitterness, impatience, unkindness, judgment, and condemnation can destroy us, and attack our very cells! We need to escape the life of a mental leper and realize how this all combines in the three aspects of the self and our alpha state. Tune in to hear all about it!

Om Podcasten

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast is the only podcast that guides intelligent, spiritual men who are awakening to their predicament of living in a limited reality. As we continue to grow and learn through life experiences, we become increasingly aware that there is more to life than what we've been told and taught. Questions like 'Who Am I, Where Am I From, and Why Am I Here" are all a part of this beautiful awakening process. Master Life Coach and Spiritual Guide Kevin Aillaud combines neuroscience, quantum physics, mysticism, and coaching wisdom to teach men just like you how to remember the Truth and live a life of joy, love, bliss, harmony, peace, healing, and unity. You will learn how to let go of the trauma that keeps you in anger, frustration, worry, doubt, fear, shame, and guilt and transmute these energies into attractive forces, enabling you to meet women, build confidence, start a business that you love, enjoy more friendships, and elevate the Alpha within. Enroll in The Academy For Consciousness Expansion (ACE) at thealphamalecoach.com/the-academy.