Episode 239: The Restaurant of Life

Brothers, I am back with another edition of the “of life” series and today, I’ll be walking you through the restaurant of life and how that can help you better understand the inner workings of your mind. So, if you think of your mind as a restaurant, there is one meal that you keep ordering that you don’t even consult the menu for. That is your beta condition operating in familiarity and within the models that have been taught to you by your family, religion, the government, and the rest of society. It’s where you feel safe.  But brothers, we cannot be transformed in safety. We have been blessed with the gift of choice and we must use this blessing to be brave. The menu provides a template for the options available to you. But unlike a standard menu, the menu options of the mind are unlimited. Your gateway to life-changing transformation is opened by you being willing to experience something new, a meal other than the one you’ve been conditioned into eating all your life.  So, the mind is the menu and it can access an infinite amount of potential meals, and you can choose any of them to taste an infinite potential of thoughts, ideas, and identities, and you can make any of them real. Because that’s what the function of the mind is, to make your thoughts real. The trick, dear brother, is making sure that the menu is always in your hands and understanding that this infinite number of choices is always available to you.  Brothers, we’ve come full circle as I proclaim that everything is one. You know this, we’ve covered this. Therefore, you are the restaurant itself and everything in it. The people around you, the staff, and even your table placement are all illusions made real by your mind. Changing tables could be like moving to a new city, a new seat could be a new job, but it is all still you and it is all a projection of what your mind has made real.  It’s time to awaken from your dream state, brother. Because that’s what life is, a dream made real by the mind. And when you realize this, you’ll be freeing yourself from the illusions of the ego and the matrix. So, continue to elevate our alpha. I say “our” because, brother, we are one.

Om Podcasten

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast is the only podcast that guides intelligent, spiritual men who are awakening to their predicament of living in a limited reality. As we continue to grow and learn through life experiences, we become increasingly aware that there is more to life than what we've been told and taught. Questions like 'Who Am I, Where Am I From, and Why Am I Here" are all a part of this beautiful awakening process. Master Life Coach and Spiritual Guide Kevin Aillaud combines neuroscience, quantum physics, mysticism, and coaching wisdom to teach men just like you how to remember the Truth and live a life of joy, love, bliss, harmony, peace, healing, and unity. You will learn how to let go of the trauma that keeps you in anger, frustration, worry, doubt, fear, shame, and guilt and transmute these energies into attractive forces, enabling you to meet women, build confidence, start a business that you love, enjoy more friendships, and elevate the Alpha within. Enroll in The Academy For Consciousness Expansion (ACE) at thealphamalecoach.com/the-academy.