Episode 337 - Azure Data Lake Storage - Multi-Protocol Access

The team is joined by Stephen Wu from ADLS to talk about how the ADLS Gen 2 team is working to simplify the Storage conversation for Azure customers by driving for feature parity with Blob Storage.   Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode337.mp3 Resources: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/static-website-for-azure-data-lake-storage-now-in-public-preview/   Other updates: Azure Monitor for Key Vault is now in preview Published date: June 24, 2020 Get comprehensive monitoring of your key vaults along with a unified view of your Azure Key Vault performance, requests, failures, and latency by using Azure Monitor for Key Vault (in preview). Built on the Azure Monitor Workbooks platform, Key Vault insights offers: • At-scale perspective displaying a snapshot view of performance based on the requests, breakdown of failures, and an overview of the operations and latency. • Drill-down analysis of a particular key vault to perform detailed analysis. • The ability to customize—Change which metrics you want to see, modify or set thresholds that align with your limits, and save your own workbook. • The ability to pin charts in the workbook to Azure dashboards. • Integration with Azure Monitor Logs for additional data on your Azure Key Vault activity. From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/kvi/> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/azure-cli-june-2020-update/   ->23 new services including Synapse, Peering, Databricks   Azure Storage 200 TB block blob size is now in preview Published date: June 30, 2020 Azure Blob storage provides massively scalable object storage for workloads including application data, HPC, backup, and high-scale workloads. We’ve increased the maximum size of a single blob from 5 TB to 200 TB, now available in preview. The increase in blob size better supports use cases from seismic data processing to genomics that require support for multiple object sizes. To support the 200 TB blob size, we’re increasing the maximum allowable block size from 100 MB to 4,000 MB and maintaining support for up to 50,000 blocks in a single blob. The 200 TB blob size is available for preview in all Azure public regions with hot, cool, and premium tiers. There are no billing changes.  From <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/azure-storage-200-tb-block-blob-size-is-now-in-preview/>   Azure AI: Build mission-critical AI apps with new Cognitive Services capabilities https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-ai-build-missioncritical-ai-apps-with-new-cognitive-services-capabilities/ Reimagining virtual collaboration for the future of work and learning https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2020/07/08/reimagining-virtual-collaboration-future-work-learning Easily add voice commands to your apps with Custom Commands https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-ai/easily-add-voice-commands-to-your-apps-with-custom-commands/ba-p/1503443 Form recognizer GA https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/cognitive-services/form-recognizer/ Azure LB insights using azure monitor for networks https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/introducing-azure-load-balancer-insights-using-azure-monitor-for-networks/ Azure firewall manager GA https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/azure-firewall-manager-is-now-generally-available/  

Om Podcasten

Cynthia Kreng, Kendall Roden, Cale Teeter, Evan Basalik, Russell Young & Sujit D'Mello work at Microsoft in the cloud and services area. They specialize in building and supporting enterprise apps and services that leverage the cloud.