Starting His Foundation with Principal Architect Eddie Maestri | S28E10

Welcome! In this week’s Chaise Lounge, Nick May chats with Eddie Maestri, owner of Maestri Studio in Dallas, Texas. His business offers architecture services, interior design, finishing and landscape design. Architecture has been an important part of Eddie's life since childhood. After graduating from Texas A&M with Master's Degree in Architecture, he worked on an architecture firm and would do architecture work on the side for his friends. During the market crash of 2008, Eddie decided to take his side gig full-time, and today he runs his own architecture and interior design firm, as well as his own art gallery. Visit Eddie Maestri's website,, and check out his business Instagram @Maestristudio, or his gallery Instagram @Maestrigallery. I think it just takes education, to help them understand how it works and I've been trying to get better and better at explaining that and to adjust their expectations. Eddie Maestri Tweet Chaise Lounge Updates  Coast to Coast Design is back baby! Give it a listen to learn about just how many ways there are to run a design business. Our Events Page Resources See what our sponsors can do for you. Upcoming Markets High Point Market – June 5 - 9, 2021 More About Our Sponsors Wrap Up If you would like to hear more episodes, please visit us on iTunes, Spotify or your favorite podcasting app! We'd love it if you post a review, you may even hear your review read live on our next podcast. Also, find The Chaise Lounge on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. With that said, keep dreaming big, and keep designing a great design business. See ya!

Om Podcasten

Nick May is not an interior designer but he knows a thing or two about business. Talent and passion can only get you so far, so what differentiates those that are successful from those who want to be successful? Join Nick as he talks to top designers from across the world to find out who they are, what their design background entails, and how they run their firm today. Sit back, relax, grab a glass of Chardonnay, and let's talk the business of interior design.