What the End of Flash Means for Your Business - James Kingsley

Is your training content still dependent on Flash? What impact will that have on your business, and how can you keep your training going once Flash is no longer supported? In this episode James Kingsley, founder of eLearning companies CoursePortfolios, Review My eLearning, and GForce Learning, discusses why Flash is ending. Learn how eLearning Brothers is hunting down flash files and discover how to create a strategy to convert and update your Flash content.

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The Learning Experience is a podcast show produced by eLearning Brothers and focused on helping our listeners design better learning experiences. Our goal is to deliver easily digestible summary episodes of our best webinars along with an editor’s cut of the actual webinar session. Whether you enjoy our quick summaries or the original content edited down for the most value, we’ve got two new ways to help you deliver an eLearning Experience that rocks!