Findependence: Finding Financial Independence While Still Engaging In The Things You Love (EP.35)

Welcome to Episode 35 of the Rational Reminder Podcast. Today on the show we are joined by Jonathan Chevreau who is the founder of Independence Hub. He has authored and co-authored many books and has contributed to The Globe and Mail, The Financial Mail, and Money Sense. Jonathan is here today to talk about financial independence and having that “findependence” while still being extremely engaged in things that you enjoy doing. He also shares with us why your aim shouldn’t be retirement and what he means by a victory lap. We also dive into the role that media plays in investor behaviors and exactly what Jonathan defines as a success life. Jonathan’s insights on financial independence alone are incredibly valuable, and anything on top of that is simply a bonus! So, for an incredible conversation, be sure to join us!


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A weekly reality check on sensible investing and financial decision-making, from two Canadians. Hosted by Benjamin Felix and Cameron Passmore, Portfolio Managers at PWL Capital.