Paralysis at the Crossroads

As primary season kicks off, Democratic voters around the country face a deeper choice than electability: Is the best response to Donald Trump a return to comity and unity in our politics, or must they embrace the ugly conflict that fundamental change will likely require? We get advice on confronting the enormity of the choice from Deidre Dejear, a voting advocate in Iowa. Plus, a look back at another election in which voters faced a similar choice--and when politics collapsed into outright warfare.

- Deidre Dejear became the first black candidate to win a statewide primary in Iowa when she ran for Secretary of State in 2018. She later became Kamala Harris' Iowa campaign chair.

- LeeAnna Keith is author of When It Was Grand.

 Hosted by Kai Wright. Produced by Jessica MillerSpecial thanks to the Public Policy Center at the University of Iowa.

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Notes from America with Kai Wright is a show about the unfinished business of our history, and its grip on our future.