A climate action accelerator for Auckland - Climate Connect Aotearoa

Auckland’s climate plan Te-Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri is an impressive and ambitious document that sets out a response to climate change that’s not just about mitigation (that is, emissions reductions) but also adaptation and developing a future that’s unique to Tāmaki Makaurau. Sarah Anderson and Parin Rafiei-Thompson have been instrumental in the plan and now are the driving forces behind Climate Connect Aotearoa, an innovation hub funded by Council to accelerate Auckland’s climate response.

Om Podcasten

This Climate Business is the Kiwi podcast about turning the climate crisis into an opportunity. Every week host Vincent Heeringa talks to entrepreneurs, investors and experts about what they're doing to solve the climate crisis and get NZ down to zero emissions by 2050 – or sooner.