758: Superspreaders of the Holy Name

See people for their potential / We aren’t cutting things out, we’re adding spirit /  our work should be aligned with our liberation / Sacrifice foolish speech for transcendental sound / Woo world Wednesday / Our lives are teetering- you might forget death, but death hasn’t forgotten you / This body is a rented vehicle / Offending a vaishnava is losing at Kerplunk / Discern but don’t condemn 4.21.33-37

Om Podcasten

Truths about life from the timeless wisdom of the Bhakti-yoga tradition - fun, relevant, and deep. Learn about dharma, yoga, bhakti, and how it relates to all the basic questions of life. This show is about how to live your best life, let go of the external distractions, and uncover the spiritual happiness that lies within the heart as the true nature of the soul. Raghunath and Kaustubha's connection goes back to their teens in the New York Hardcore Punk Scene of the early 80s, through serving together as Bhakti-yogi monks in the 90's, to sharing their experiences in the world of yoga in the 21st century.