Spanish Vocabulary | Money 💶

Review your Spanish and improve your vocabulary everywhere with our podcasts ! 🚀 In this episode, a new vocabulary topic on money ! vocabulary list : Fake cash = dinero falso the wallet = el monedero The coin = La moneda The Little Currency = pequeño cambio currency = la moneda the ticket = el billete  spend = gastar spending = el gatso to reimburse = reembolso to waste = residuos dilapidate = despilfarrar take = recoger save = ahorrar dinero savings = ahorro the piggy bank = la alcancía pay = pagar a two-euro coin = una moneda de dos euros barter = el trueque pay cash = pagar en efectivo face/battery = cara/ala

Om Podcasten

📈 Brush up on your Spanish anytime with this daily vocabulary podcast series! This podcast was created to help you improve your vocabulary no matter what your current level is (beginner, intermediate or advanced). You'll find topics like food, city, work, real estate, transportation and more! You will first hear the words in French and then they will be repeated twice in Spanish with pauses to give you time to assimilate them. ¡Buena suerte! 🔥