S2#01 language learning

Learning a new language is like opening a new door to the world, unlocking a different way to perceive this world, and filling the gaps between people from a different background. My language stack at this moment is Mandarin Chinese, English, and Dutch. They all have their places in my life and the process of learning languages also taught me how to connect dots backwards. This ongoing learning curve will always be there, and yes, I'll take language learning from my 20s to the next part of my life.

Om Podcasten

👩🏻‍💻Hsinju 欣儒 | born and bred in Taiwan, moved to the Netherlands at age 21 (2015) 台灣土生土長現為荷蘭公民 | learner & maker 📌season 2 第二季:important things in my 20s | 在我20幾歲重要的事物 📌season 1 第一季:(only availlable in Mandarin) 分享有關在世界漫遊的一切,透過異國生活和世界旅行的故事,帶你一起漫遊世界的角落和咀嚼不同的文化與生活,帶來新的人生哲學。