AP Show: Apocalypse World: Burned Over

Rich and Rach are bringing you something altogether NEW!  It's a miniseries of Actual Play, where they bring on guest players Cody and Greg to play Apocalypse World: Burned Over version. Rich is the MC for this three-session series, and after each session of play, we'll have a post-play discussion together. Tune in for the character introduction and Hx to kick things off. Time Codes: 00:04:41 - Rach's character bio 00:06:05 - Cody's character bio 00:06:55 - Greg's character bio 00:08:23 - Druben's Hx 00:11:45 - Bantha Bren's Hx 00:15:49 - Kyrie's Hx Greg Gelder on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GroupSoliloquy Cody Eastlick on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CodyEastlick

Om Podcasten

+1 Forward is a show about games using the Apocalypse Engine. We cover these games in play, and talk about the many flavors of games Powered by the Apocalypse. Each episode will have a discussion about mechanics, as well as an example of play.