The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth

Rich welcomes game designer Christopher Grey! Introduction Christopher’s start with PbtA (00:34) Read a Sitch Exchanging harm (02:40) Open Your Brain - The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth Overview (06:44) Character creation (07:34) Wish Upon a Star (10:21) Fill the World With Sunshine move (12:44) Find the Beauty Within move (14:35) Act Under Fire Park creation (15:26) Knight Realm (18:23) Lucky (20:00) Joust-a-matronic (21:53) Go the Distance (26:27) The King of Knight Realm (27:38) Be Bold and Daring (30:22) “There are very strict rules about jumping over strollers” (31:19) Links Happiest Apocalypse Kickstarter\_thanks Our website Our Patreon Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG

Om Podcasten

+1 Forward is a show about games using the Apocalypse Engine. We cover these games in play, and talk about the many flavors of games Powered by the Apocalypse. Each episode will have a discussion about mechanics, as well as an example of play.