Episode 19: Game Systems (with Bez Shahriari)

In this episode of 10 Minute Design Chat, Rob(ot) and Chris are joined by Bez Shahriari, designer of the ELL Deck, Yogi and Kitty Cataclysm, to discuss game systems, and how rewarding it can be to make multiple games that use a common set of components.

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Have you ever thought about designing a tabletop game? Do you have 10 minutes to spare? Join Chris Kingsnorth, founder of 10minutedesignchallenge.co.uk, and Rob Sparks, Creative Director at Board Game Bud, for laid-back discussions about tabletop game design and the board game community. We’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions for the show; you can contact us any time at 10minutedesignchat@gmail.com. ________________________________ Find the 10 Minute Design Challenge at http://10minutedesignchallenge.co.uk/ Learn more about Board Game Bud at https://www.boardgamebud.com/ Follow us on Instagram: @tabletopapprentice (Chris) / @boardgamebud (Rob)