TMBH 69: Empowering Kids with Essential Life Skills

In this episode of the Ten Minutes to a Better Homeschool podcast, host Pam Barnhill talks with Katie Kimball, the National Voice of Healthy Kids Cooking and founder of the Kids Cook Real Food e-course, about the LifeSkills Summer Camp. This free online camp offers families the opportunity to learn life skills from a team of experts, including workshops on cooking, gardening, financial independence, communication, coping skills, stress management, and more. Kimball discusses the importance of teaching kids life skills and how parents can make the most of their summertime to teach these skills. She emphasizes that the online format of the camp allows families to learn from experts they might not have access to otherwise and provides a great opportunity for both parents and children to learn together.Save your spot for the FREE Life Skills Now Camp.For full show notes and a transcript of today’s episode, head to join our free homeschool community, you can create an account right here.Mentioned in this episode:We are Now Podcasting at Homeschool Better TogetherSearch your podcast app for Homeschool Better Together or head to to subscribe to the new feed PLUS join our free community. See you there!Homeschool Better Together

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We are now podcasting at Homeschool Better Together! Search for it in your app or head to to subscribe and join our free community. Pop in your earbuds and get ready to be inspired. Veteran homeschool mom and podcast host of the Your Morning Basket Podcast, Pam Barnhill unpacks how to have a better homeschool 10 minutes at a time. Full of practical tips, stories, interviews, and inspiration 10 Minutes to a Better Homeschool is your home learning go-to show for quick, helpful information. *Formerly the Homeschool Snapshots Podcast