01-03-24 Betrayal (JPM)

#10MinuteswithJesus ** Put yourself in the presence of God. Try talking to Him. ** 10 minutes are 10 minutes. Even if you can get distracted, reach the end. ** Be constant. The Holy Spirit acts "on low heat" and requires perseverance. 10-Minute audio to help you pray. Daily sparks to ignite prayer: a passage from the gospel, an idea, an anecdote and a priest who speaks with you and the Lord, inviting you to share your intimacy with God. Find your moment, consider you are in His presence and click play.

Om Podcasten

Áudios de 10 minutos que te ajudam a rezar.Uma passagem do Evangelho, uma idea, uma história e um sacerdote que te fala e fala ao Senhor convidando-te a partilhar a tua intimidade com Deus.Procura o teu momento, pensa que estás com Ele e faz play.Toda a informação em: www.10minutoscomjesus.org