Episode 102: Becoming Resilient with Caleb Price

As humans, we have an instinctive tendency to want to avoid pain and discomfort. This inclination can sometimes lead us to live our lives avoiding failure and seeking the perfect circumstances—the perfect mate, the perfect job, the perfect house in the perfect place—in order to ensure our happiness. But when we need life to go right or be easy in order to be happy, it makes it really easy to give up when things get hard—even when we’re doing the things we really want to do. The key to creating the life you want (even when things are hard) is developing resilience. Resilience allows us to live our life and pursue our dreams without needing it to be comfortable all the time. In this episode of the podcast, my son, Caleb, and I share how to become resilient and discuss how discovering our own power to choose our experience and feel our feelings makes us resilient in every circumstance we face. https://www.aprilpricecoaching.com/102

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You might not know it, but every result in your life is 100% because of the thoughts you think. This is very good news because it means that changing our thoughts can change everything else. This podcast provides practical ways to gain awareness of your current thoughts and then deliberately choose the ones you want in order to improve every area of your life. The way things are is not the way things have to stay. And that my friends, is 100% awesome.