Episode 124: Love One Another

Loving other people is the most challenging work we do as humans because love does not come naturally or easily to our brain. Our brain is programmed to be defensive and judgmental and self-righteous—and so is everybody else’s. This creates a world that is full of conflict and judgment and criticism, and so learning to choose love, despite your brain’s tendencies, has never been more important. Your brain isn’t going to naturally choose love, but you can direct it to do just that. In today’s episode, I am sharing the reasons it’s so hard for us to love as humans and then giving you powerful tools to increase your own ability to love. Love is a choice and a skill and as you increase your own capacity to choose love, you increase the amount of love there is in the world. And that is something all of us would love more of. https://www.aprilpricecoaching.com/blog/124

Om Podcasten

You might not know it, but every result in your life is 100% because of the thoughts you think. This is very good news because it means that changing our thoughts can change everything else. This podcast provides practical ways to gain awareness of your current thoughts and then deliberately choose the ones you want in order to improve every area of your life. The way things are is not the way things have to stay. And that my friends, is 100% awesome.