Changing Call Signs: Have You? Would You?

On this episode, I address a question I've frequently received since moving to Florida: 'Are you going to change your call sign?' Let's delve into this topic and share the feedback we've received from you regarding the call sign question. Specifically, we explore whether you would consider changing your call sign based on a geographic move. You might find some of the answers surprising. Tune in for all of this and more on this edition of '100 Watts and a Wire.

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Hosted by Emmy Award-winning Producer Christian Cudnik (K0STH), 100 Watts and a Wire connects ham radio enthusiasts through engaging conversations, the latest amateur radio news, and answers to community questions. Whether you’re new to the hobby or a seasoned operator, this podcast welcomes everyone to the airwaves. Join us at the intersection of life and amateur radio LIVE on YouTube Sundays at 7 pm EST. Amateur radio, amplified on 100 Watts and a Wire.