Everyday Changemakers: Alex, Transition Dundee

Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Alex Daniels from Transition Dundee about gleaning, fair access to fresh food and his favourite glut-busting recipes. Transcript  See our website: https://sccan.scot/blog/everyday-changemakers-alex-transition-dundee/ Credits Interview, recording and sound production: Kaska Hempel Resources Register for 1000 Better Stories Collective skillshare with Manuela and Daniel from Maxwell Centre in Dundee, 30 May, 1-2pm https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/904908354247  Gleaning Project at Transition Dundee https://www.transitiondundee.com/gleaning The Gleaning Network https://gleaning.feedbackglobal.org/ West End Community Fridge https://www.transitiondundee.com/community-fridge  Campy Growers https://campygrowers.uk/  Kris Harbour off grid living  https://www.krisharbour.co.uk/  Transition St Andrews https://transitionsta.org/  Roasted cauliflower dip  https://www.cookincanuck.com/roasted-cauliflower-dip-recipe-vegan/ 

Om Podcasten

A Scottish Communities Climate Action Network podcast, exploring stories of community-led climate action in Scotland to help us all imagine a better future.