Everyday Changemakers - Iain McKenzie, Inverness Foodstuff

Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Iain McKenzie, a volunteer and Vice Chair of Inverness Foodstuff. The story is first in a 5-part series of weekly interviews with a variety of grassroots organisations involved in climate, biodiversity and social justice action across Inverness.  Transcript  See our website: https://sccan.scot/blog/everyday-changemakers-iain-mckenzie-inverness-foodstuff/ Credits Interview, recording and sound production: Kaska Hempel Resources Inverness Foodstuff https://invernessfoodstuff.co.uk/   Highland Good Food Partnership https://highlandgoodfood.scot/what-do-we-do/  Highland Good Food Podcast https://highlandgoodfood.scot/podcast/  Cafe Artysans https://www.cafeartysans.org.uk/  Cafe 1668 https://www.highlandtsi.org.uk/cafe   Velocity Cafe (videos) https://www.velocitylove.co.uk/films  Active travel maps Inverness https://www.velocitylove.co.uk/active-travel-maps  Highland Community Waste Partnership https://www.keepscotlandbeautiful.org/highland-community-waste-partnership/ 

Om Podcasten

A Scottish Communities Climate Action Network podcast, exploring stories of community-led climate action in Scotland to help us all imagine a better future.