Storylines - turning climate data into stories of place in the Outer Hebrides

Have you ever tried to get your head around climate models? And what they show may happen in the next 50 to 100 years to the places you where you live, places which you love and care about? What would it really mean for you or your children? Today we bring you a story behind an Outer Hebrides Storylines project aimed at exactly that. Combining creativity, oral history, and science to help local people and communities engage in adaptation planning in the way that’s meaningful to them. The project got support from SCCAN’s Pockets and Prospects fund as well as NERC, Adaptation Scotland, and Làn Thìde Climate Beacon and involved several partners.  The story was recorded and produced for us by Matthew Logan, Community Energy Scotland, and one of the leads on the project. We also hear from Dr James Pope from the Met Office, Eleanor Pratt from Adaptation Scotland, and a Lewis-based artist, Sandra Kennedy, who carried out the commission. Resources Tuil is Geil Storylines on Soundcloud Dr Pope’s presentation about science climate change expected in Outer Hebrides: Dr Pope’s blog about the project: Sandra Kennedy’s blog about the project: Storyline Project info on Làn Thìde Climate Beacon website: Community Energy Scotland Adaptation Scotland Climate Beacons

Om Podcasten

A Scottish Communities Climate Action Network podcast, exploring stories of community-led climate action in Scotland to help us all imagine a better future.