The power of traditional storytelling to shift our community narratives

In today’s episode Kaska Hempel, SCCAN Story Weaver, speaks to Alette Willis, one of the researchers involved in the Shifting The Narrative project funded by the British Academy, and carried out by researchers at the University of Edinburgh, with SCCAN as a partner. The project investigated how traditional storytelling can help communities achieve place-based climate action. Alette shares her wider experience around using narrative work to drive change in communities along with the key findings from this recent project, ahead of the publication of the official report in October. Credits Production and edit: Kaska Hempel Project collaborators: Alette Willis Jule Hildmann Arno Verhoeven Ramsey Affifi Additional information/workshops: List of story recommendations will be posted on Alette’s Restorying the Earth website along with BA project report and ongoing updates: Global Lab: Shifting the Narrative: Story Work and Nature Crises. Workshop at the International Storytelling Festival, 25 Oct, 2pm online Registration: SCCAN Stories for Change workshop: Place-based storytelling using app audio tours online, 9:30am-12:30pm, 13th and 27th of October   Dancing with Trees Eco-tales from the British Isles by Allison Galbraith and Allete J Willis:  

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A Scottish Communities Climate Action Network podcast, exploring stories of community-led climate action in Scotland to help us all imagine a better future.