#61 加拿大禁止大部分外国人买房

🇨🇦🏠 I'm currently travelling in Canada, so I came across some Canadian news, which I used to discuss what Chinese and Taiwanese cultures think about buying a house. Furthermore, I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year and luck in the Year of the Rabbit.   🇨🇦🏠我現在在加拿大旅遊,因此我找了一則加拿大的新聞,順便用這則房屋新聞中來討論中國、台灣文化中對於買房子又什麼看法。另外,也先祝大家新年快樂、兔年行大運。   🇨🇦🏠我现在在加拿大旅游,因此我找了一则加拿大的新闻,顺便从这则房屋新闻中来讨论中国、台湾文化中对于买房子又什么看法。另外,也先祝大家新年快乐、兔年行大运。  [00:00] introduction [03:50] explanation [10:58] discussion    Please don't hesitate to contact me. 📫Email me( yuchetengtw@gmail.com) 📺Find me on youtube (for transcripts)   📝Find me on Instagram (for vocabulary cards and QA)    👩‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on italki (with this link)   👨‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on Preply(with this link)  來源/来源:加拿大禁止大部分外国人买房法案 1月1日生效 (rfi.fr)

Om Podcasten

大家好,我是宇哲老師。一位專門進行中文網路教學的老師,很高興能跟大家在這裡見面。 Hello everyone, I am your professional teacher Yu zhe, I am glad to meet you guys here. 在這個Podcast中,我每次分享三則新聞,每次從一段新聞中,學一些生詞、語法、或者新的知識。 In this podcast program, three news will be introduced in each episode, and we can learn some vocabulary, grammar, or some new knowledge from it. 歡迎大家收聽,每天用一點點時間,學一點、進步一點,,也歡迎大家跟我分享你的建議。 目前預計每兩個星期會上架。 Welcome everyone listen to my channel and use a little time to learn Chinese, to improve yourself little by little, and please share your opinions or thoughts with me! Published on every two weeks.