11 O'Clock Comics Episode 806

Colorless Volume One by Kent from Seven Seas, Cankor by Matthew Allison, Dog Biscuits by Alex Graham from Fantagraphics, Onion Skin by Edgar Camacho from Top Shelf, Image-O-Rama: The Closet #1 by James Tynion IV and Gavin Fullerton and Skybound X #25 by Kirkman, Ottley, Williamson, Bressan, Lucas, De Felici and company, Nightwing, She-Hulk, Loeb and Sale's Batman: Dark Victory and Long Halloween, Milton Caniff's Terry and the Pirates: The Master Collection Volume 1 from The Library of American Comics and Clover Press, Shadow War, Love Everlasting by Tom King and Elsa Charretier, plus a whole mess more!

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VinceB, David Price, and Jason Wood talk comic books and stuff.