How to Stop Being a People Pleaser - 12 Week Relationships Podcast #40

People pleasing is a trauma-based behavior that causes one to tend to someone's needs at the expense of their own. People pleasing also goes beyond simply agreeing with someone or helping out of goodwill. Instead, people pleasers act out of fear of rejected by the other person. Pleasing the needs of others becomes their definition of love. While pleasing others may satisfy the people pleaser's immediate needs, this comes at the cost of confidence, identity, and happiness.Fortunately, people pleasing behaviors aren't permanent and Pye and Dr. Glen lay out where this behavior stems from in order to begin making effective change, setting boundaries, and putting your own needs first.

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What happens when you take a Doctor with 10 years of clinical experience and pair him with a wedding photographer and educator who’s made a career of practical, real-world education? You get the 12 Week Relationships Podcast, a place where better relationships are made stupid-simple.➜ Join the Newsletter:➜ One on One Coaching Waitlist : to 12 Week Relationships: ➜ Subscribe on YouTube:➜ Follow on Instagram:➜ Visit our Website:➜ Listen on Spotify:➜ Listen on Apple Podcasts:➜ Listen on Spreaker:➜ Listen on Google Podcasts: with Pye and Dr Hong:➜ Pye Jirsa:➜ Dr. Glen Hong: