Bava Metzia 36 - April 4, 25 Adar 2

Study Guide Bava Metzia 36 Rabbi Yirmia brings various situations where one borrows and lends to another and they can both be obligated to bring either a sin or a guilt offering or one a sin and one a guilt. What are the various situations? Can a shomer give an item to someone else to watch? Different reasons are given to explain why this would be a problem. Some thought that Rav held it was permissible, but it was later explained that it was based on a misunderstanding of a situation where Rav ruled. If a shomer was negligent and brought the animal to a marsh (where there could be thieves or predators) but the animal died in a typical manner, Abaye and Rava debate what Raba held – whether the shomer would be exempt or obligated. They each explain how this case differs from a classic case of tchilato b’pshia vesofo b’ones (one who does a negligent act but in the end, the damage was accidental).

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