Eruvin 34 - Shabbat September 12, Elul 23


Study Guide Eruvin 34

Today's daf is dedicated by Miriam Tannenbaum in memory of her mother, Ruth Zemsky, Raizel bat Yehushua HaLevi and Chaya Keila z"l on her yahrzeit. Her greatest nachat was her children and grandchildren and their involvement in the learning and teaching of Torah. יהי זכרה ברוך

Two questions are brought on Rabbi Yirmia's explanation of the basket attached to the tree. What exactly is the case in the mishna regarding the eruv in a pit? Can one put an eruv at the top of a pole or a reed? Under what circumstances? If one put an eruv in a locked closet, does one need to have access to the key? What if the key is lost? 

Om Podcasten is the portal for Daf Yomi studies for women. is the first and only site where one can hear a daily Talmud class taught by a woman. The classes are taught in Israel by Rabbanit Michelle Cohen Farber, a graduate of Midreshet Lindenbaum’s scholars program with a BA in Talmud and Tanach from Bar-Ilan University. Michelle has taught Talmud and Halacha at Midreshet Lindenbaum, Pelech high school and MATAN. She lives in Ra’anana with her husband and their five children. Each morning the daf yomi class is delivered via ZOOM and then immediately uploaded and available for podcast and download. reaches women who can now have access to a woman’s perspective on the most essential Jewish traditional text. This podcast represents a revolutionary step in advancing women’s Torah study around the globe.