What is auti-gender?

Blogger Neurodivergent Rebel explores why sex and gender are big topics in the autistic community, and talks about the two metaphorical closets they had to “come out” of. Listener Madge has advice for young autistic people starting their gender journey. And ... it's the third lockdown everyone. Jamie hopes never to need a Covid test as "sticking a long thing in his nose" might stop him speaking for weeks. Robyn, who has been tested twice, helps out with a big dose of reassurance and explains how she handles the unpleasant feelings. With Robyn Stewart and Jamie Knight. Produced by Emma Tracey. Subscribe on BBC Sounds or say to your smart speaker "ask the BBC for 1800 seconds on autism" email stim@bbc.co.uk with your thoughts and questions.

Om Podcasten

From home and family to humour and epic geekiness, this is a funny and enlightening podcast about thinking differently. With autistic hosts Robyn Steward, Jamie Knight and guests.