Midweek Message 172.

Later this week, I'm off to visit my old village. I'm sure there will have been many changes since I lived there almost 40 years ago. I'll tell you all about it on Sunday. It's nice to be home after my week away in Bognor. Have you had a holiday this year? Are you planning to go away? What's the weather doing where you are? It's been awful here! Still, I mustn’t grumble!

Om Podcasten

Ray's Rants looking back to the 1960s 70s and 50s in the UK. The British music scene, Jimi Hendrix and The Rolling Stones. The pubs and clubs, Watney's Red Barrel beer, Babycham, Cherry B the night life. The cars, the workplace, television and pirate radio. Kids and schools back in the early days. 60s fashion and clothes, flairs and miniskirts.