School Holidays and other stuff.

Remember the joy of school holidays in the old days? Six glorious weeks of summer freedom! Imagine if we had mobile phones back in the 50s and 60s. How would we have reacted to social media? The days before computers, what did the banks do? What did the tax office do? Everything was written is huge books called ledgers. Imagine the work! Join me this Sunday as we take a nostalgic journey back to those golden, and sometimes not so golden, days.

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Ray's Rants looking back to the 1960s 70s and 50s in the UK. The British music scene, Jimi Hendrix and The Rolling Stones. The pubs and clubs, Watney's Red Barrel beer, Babycham, Cherry B the night life. The cars, the workplace, television and pirate radio. Kids and schools back in the early days. 60s fashion and clothes, flairs and miniskirts.