Fusing Hip Hop and Critical Theory

Today I am joined by Artin Salimi, a Hip Hop artist, YouTuber, and Academic. He makes amazing songs and music videos that fuse Critical Theory, Philosophy, and leftist politics with Hip Hop. Artin and I discuss the lost revolutionary potentials of Hip Hop, 90s rap, contemporary hip hop, and how the capitalist Culture Industry negatively impacts Hip Hop economically and ideologically. Be Sure to Check Out Artin Salimi's amazing work: https://www.youtube.com/c/ArtinSalimi 1Dime Radio Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFQlxdYqyXXuxBkuodA7gfQ 1Dime Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OneDime?fan_landing=true

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A political podcast dedicated to combating one-dimensional thought through the insights of Philosophy, History, Economics, Critical Theory, Culture, and Society. Your boss makes a dollar, you make a dime, so that's why you listen to 1Dime Radio on company time. For access to the Patreon exclusive episodes (The Backroom podcast), become a Patron: thttps://www.patreon.com/OneDime