Ep. 87: Daft Punk, Billy Strings' Deja Vu Experiment, Springsteen and Obama Podcast

From Daft Punk's breakup to Billy Strings' Cap run to Bruce Springsteen's new podcast with Barack Obama, there's lots to talk about this week! [Recorded Feb. 23, 2021, Send your messages to RafandKarina@gmail.com]

Om Podcasten

'3 From The 7' is Relix’s weekly news podcast, chronicling three of the jam world’s biggest news stories from the last seven days. Hosted by Raffaela Kenny-Cincotta (Assistant Editor, Relix) and Karina Rykman (Bassist, Marco Benevento + Karina Rykman), '3 From The 7' takes an exciting look at everything from tour announcements to festival lineups to epic live sets.