Leadership & Love a New-Old Way for a Sustainable future - Tea with Mac Macartney & Rachel Allan

Oh its a goodie.  How we bring indigenous wisdom into our modern day lives, transform our relationship to the earth, leadership and living fulfilled lives.  Sustainability at it's core, in this rich tea, Mac & Rachel share stories offering ideas on a new way to lead, one that creates a future with integrity for generations to come.  This is heart work and offers the opportunity to find an inner settling and knowing within. It did for us at least! Their cuppa journeys so much; life being a sphere, belonging and the importance of place, watching TV - Colin Stafford Johnson - The Wild Gardener, Dyscalculia which is like dyslexia with numbers, compromise, feeling broken hearted and whether its smarter to live a "middle of the road" life, life happening in the small moments, how do we listen and be with opposing views to our own, the bloody history of the land we stand on, the original instructions, Childrens Fire and the possibility of a new way of leadership.  Its life giving and real. This is Cuppa 33 of 40, on Rachels quest to explore what it is to be human in this new decade.  40 for Tea is on Instagram. Mac is an international speaker, writer and change-maker. Mentored by indigenous people over many years, he has acquired profound and original insights into questions preoccupying many contemporary leaders. Mac seeks to inspire the emergence of the leader in each of us, the leader who will take courageous action for a better world. Championing A New Story of Sustainability lies at the heart of this.

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40 for tea invites us on a quest, to take a moment to be together, a weekly conversation exploring our unique perspectives and common ground, what it is to be human in this new decade. With 40 for tea all perspectives are possible, instead of feeling divided about our differences as human beings, 40 for tea believes deep down we all want the same things, and it's good conversation and curiosity that's going to bring us together around the table (and a pot of tea, of course). Go grab a cuppa and join the journey of 40 cups of tea, together.