24 - Exploring the Aberfeldy Track with Rudy Paoletti

We talk to Rudy Paoletti, organiser of Navruns, map and book publisher, explorer and champion of the history of the Aberfeldy Track. We are discussing the future of 4x4earth, so please have your say on the forum. We are also looking at a new slogan for the website.  "Looking for a good route" has done us well for the first 10 years of the site, but as we look to work more closely with Corporates. Check out the 4x4earth store.   There are T-Shirts, Caps and stubby holders in the store.  This is partially about you getting some 4x4earth swag, but more so about supporting the website and helping to keep it free for everyone to enjoy. We talk to Rudy Paoletti about the Walhalla - Woods Point Gold Belt. We talk about the work that he has done preserving the history of the Aberfeldy Track.  He has done a great job of putting signs in the area and maintaining them.  He has also done a huge amount of work in identifying grave sites, mines and townships that the bush has retaken. Check out the Aberfeldy Track Facebook Page  and the Aberfeldy Track website or more info on the Aberfeldy Track project.  Check out the Aberfeldy Track website to download the maps for the area. We talk about the burial grounds around Store Point. We also talk about the effects of bushfire in the area, some of which had a massive impact on the past, including the 1851 Black Thursday fire, which burnt out 5 million hectares (12 deaths) and the 1939 Black Friday fire which burnt out 2 million hectares and had 71 deaths.   By comparison, Black Saturday burnt out 450,000 hectares, but had 173 deaths.  We talk about some of the walks that can be done in the area. Donate to the project to join up to help preserve the history that Rudi and his group is preserving.   

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Join James from 4x4earth.com as he learns about 4 wheel driving, trucks, tracks, places to go and things to do when exploring the 4x4 Earth. He looks at driving and recovery techniques, trucks, mods, bush camping and cooking, fishing and generally enjoying the Great Outdoors. Learn tips and tricks to have a great time in the places that other people can't get to. Do all of this while being safe and looking after the environment.