Find Peace in Your Sticky Relationships

Everything we do is affected by our relationships, whether in our families, extended families, friendships, or working relationships. So if there is a relationship where we are having a tough time, it can color how we feel, act, and make decisions.

In this episode, Jenna discusses how unmet expectations affect our relationships and how to deal with that conflict as it comes. She goes over the difference between drawing boundaries and building walls and highlights how God’s plan for us is always for our growth in holiness, even if that means working with someone who is difficult.

However, even with the best communication skills and well-thought-out boundaries, relationships can always turn toward selfishness and friction without Jesus. If we turn first toward Jesus for our fulfillment and work on our relationship with Him first, difficulties with people do not hold so much weight and can be dealt with much easier. Pray for those who are difficult to love and ask Jesus to draw you and them closer to Heaven in His perfect way.

As always, pray the Surrender Novena with me:

“Oh Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything.”

Om Podcasten

"The Lord said to her in reply, 'Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things... Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.'" Luke 10:41-42 How do we choose "the better part" in the unpredictable and sometimes chaotic days of motherhood? How do we know when God is calling us to set down the laundry so that we can pray, and when we need to set down our Bibles to love the crying child right in front of us? This podcast delves into all aspects of Christian motherhood, trying at its core to point all listeners to Jesus and His loving plan for us.