Peace in Our Calendars and Routines

It is well known that those the number of decisions someone makes in the day is directly related to the amount of stress the undergo... How many decisions do you think you have to make as a mother? Probably more than the average Joe, I'd venture to guess! And a lot of those decisions you have to think out have to do with scheduling! In this episode we break down three major things that bring us stress in our scheduling:

  • Decision making
  • Answering Questions
  • Rushing
  • And talk about tips to help out for each of these including:
  • Syncing calendars with husband
  • Weekly meetings to discuss the week ahead
  • Writing a regular routine that is as detailed as possible to take away from regular daily decisions
  • Being realistic about how long it takes to do each activity in the calendar and about how much it takes out of the family
  • I never want these tips to overwhelm, but to give ideas to you! Take what works and forget about the rest! If you need it later, trust that the Holy Spirit will bring it back to mind for you! "Oh Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything!"

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    "The Lord said to her in reply, 'Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things... Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.'" Luke 10:41-42 How do we choose "the better part" in the unpredictable and sometimes chaotic days of motherhood? How do we know when God is calling us to set down the laundry so that we can pray, and when we need to set down our Bibles to love the crying child right in front of us? This podcast delves into all aspects of Christian motherhood, trying at its core to point all listeners to Jesus and His loving plan for us.