Tips From a Mom of Many: Laundry

Although you know I love talking about our faith and prayer, I get the most questions about practical things in our daily life. Whether you are a mom to one or twelve, you can always use some practical ideas for getting stuff done and taking care of business!

In this episode, I discuss laundry tips! Firstly about how to help your kids start doing their own laundry at a young age. If you can pass off the chore of laundry-even for just one or two kids, life can get SO much easier! I talk about:

  1. What ages we pass off chores like sorting, putting away, and folding towels
  2. How to set up your kid(s)'s closets so that it's practical for them
  3. How to teach them to do laundry
  4. How to simplify your systems
  5. More...

Next week we will have another practical episode on meal planning and then on January 21st, we will start a BOOK STUDY on "Searching for and Maintaining Peace" by Fr. Jacques Philippe. I'll be joined by two dear friends and we will discuss the book in six sections over six episodes. We will finish the study just before Lent with the hope of coming into Lent with a deeper relationship with the Lord and peace in knowing what He is calling us to do. Whether you get the book or not, I feel confident you will get a lot out of these episodes!

If you would like to read the book along with us, make sure to purchase it in the next two weeks and ask a friend (or two or three!) to do it with you! We will have discussion questions posted for each episode to help you in go over each section in a group setting. If you would like to prepare beforehand, the first episode will be about the preface and chapters 1-3 in part one of the book. See you then!

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"The Lord said to her in reply, 'Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things... Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.'" Luke 10:41-42 How do we choose "the better part" in the unpredictable and sometimes chaotic days of motherhood? How do we know when God is calling us to set down the laundry so that we can pray, and when we need to set down our Bibles to love the crying child right in front of us? This podcast delves into all aspects of Christian motherhood, trying at its core to point all listeners to Jesus and His loving plan for us.