Why and How to Daily Mass as a Mom

During this time where I have a baby (and therefore an unpredictable schedule), my daily prayer has been less consistent than I like. But going to daily Mass has been something I've been able to keep up, and it has made all the difference! God's grace is SO REAL in the sacraments, and it can make a very tangible effect in our lives! That said, I know that going to Mass with kids can sometimes be challenging (especially if you have littles like I do), so I spell out my top tips for taking kids to Mass. These tips are a good starting point, but remember that it will get easier and easier if you do it consistently. Your kids (and you) get to know what to expect and everyone finds a rhythm that works. And on the random days that the kids are crazy, just find a Mass friend who you can look over at and chuckle with! God loves you! He wants to care for you through His sacraments, and He loves having your kids there too! Don't let embarrassment or fear of difficulty keep you from Him at the altar!

Om Podcasten

"The Lord said to her in reply, 'Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things... Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.'" Luke 10:41-42 How do we choose "the better part" in the unpredictable and sometimes chaotic days of motherhood? How do we know when God is calling us to set down the laundry so that we can pray, and when we need to set down our Bibles to love the crying child right in front of us? This podcast delves into all aspects of Christian motherhood, trying at its core to point all listeners to Jesus and His loving plan for us.